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Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 05:49
by BadTicket
Thanks for help again :-)
I give my PC the IP again and plug it directly to a switch. From there I plug the B3 to the LAN and alternatively to the Wan port and try to connect. Nothing, no answer from pinging to too.
What I don't know is how to set the network in the 100Mbit full duplex mode. It seems that to use a B3 a study as a network specialist should be made... :roll:

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 07:24
by Gordon

If you're connecting through a switch forget about the 100Mbit full duplex thing *) This was just an optional measure to try and trick the network to negotiate a cross-link mode which would normally require a special cable (with the orange and green wires swapped on one side).

In either case it should most definitely work if you boot up in this standalone configuration.
  1. Connect LAN port of the B3 to the switch
  2. Connect workstation to the switch
  3. Switch the B3 to ON and wait for the blue light on the front
  4. Start up the workstation
  5. Assuming the workstation is Windows:
    • Make sure network is configured for DHCP (which is the default)
    • Open a DOS box and type "ipconfig" and verify that you received a valid IP
    • If not: successively enter the commands "ipconfig /release" and "ipconfig /renew"
  6. Open a web browser and go to http://b3/
*) if you're curious: in Windows you'd go into the properties of the network interface and open up the advanced tab. How the settings are named may differ by make, but on my Atheros card its named MediaType where I can enforce both speed and duplex.

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 11:24
by BadTicket
Thanks again, I do what you've written. When I use ipconfig I see that the PC gets the IP and the subnet mask Seems strange to me, but I don't understand the whole network stuff. After typing http://b3/ I only get the answer (in german) that the website can't be shown. The same answer as the most time. A ping to and 0 gets no answer, the ping to is OK.
So I try ipconfig /release, but there I get the answer that I need "higher rights". But I'm still the administrator of this PC. I'm very frustrated about this PC stuff :evil:

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 12:15
by Jockewhbg
I might add that I had the same problem. I noticed that the time it took to boot the B3 was quite short. I also reinstalled the firmware and then it worked. It seems as if some of the B3s are delivered with a faulty software. After the reinstall the boottime increased and it worked as it should. No problems since.
Are you absolutely sure that the USB stick that you used was readable from the B3? It seems that you need to prepare the USB stick in a special way so that the B3 can read from it.


Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 12:58
by Gordon
169.254.x.x is a self assigned Windows IP. It does not count as valid but is implemented to allow multiple Windows machines to talk to each other in an unmanaged network.

To sum it all up: your B3 is not handing out IP addresses and apparently it also does not accept any offering itself. Within this setup you can still retry to manually assign a 192.168.10.x to your workstation and verify if you can reach the B3 at

As a last resort you can try to attach the WAN port (which is always set as a DHCP client) to your router and restart the B3. Then check whether your router assigned an IP to it or not. Of course the WAN interface is shielded by the firewall, but it would be a start.

Did you already contact Excito support?

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 13:00
by BadTicket
Jockewhbg wrote:Are you absolutely sure that the USB stick that you used was readable from the B3? It seems that you need to prepare the USB stick in a special way so that the B3 can read from it.
It was really a short procedure, it could be possible that this does not work. But what kind of preparation is used from the B3? Please dont tell me that only a B3 can format it collectly :wink:

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 13:17
by BadTicket
OK, I found it the manual:
Please notice that your memory stick must have a partition table. Unfortunately most available USB memories lack a partition table today. So if you experience install problems this is most likely the case, try another stick or a USB-hard drive.
So I try it with a USB-hard drive. The green LED was about 2-3 minutes active, then the system reboots. But still no access :(

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 15:49
by Gordon
I never really looked at that restore image before, but I figured it wouldn't hurt having it around just in case. It's not entirely what I expected it to be (I thought it would lead to a bootable USB stick) and I think I should state a warning here:

If you unpack a zip file on Windows with the standard available tools, you'll probably find that ASCII type files (i.e. text files) get translated to Windows format. To avoid this, use 7-zip; it's free and most important it doesn't corrupt the files.

Whether this is part of the problems TS is experiencing remains a question. Maybe you can try reconfiguring the image to make it a rescue system (it's on the next page of the guide) - make it as standard as it can get.

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 04:37
by BadTicket
OK, I do what written... Download 7Zip, download the latest installation file again, unpack the installation file with 7Zip directly to the USB hard drive and try to install again. Same thing, the green LED for 2-3 minutes, rebooting, no connect.

How many hours I spend now with my B3 for nothing? Such bad things are only possible with PC users :x

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 06:04
by Gordon
Can you try the rescue system?
  • edit \install\bubba.cfg and change the value of DO_INSTALL to 0 (use a binary safe editor!)
  • attach the USB disk to the B3
  • connect the WAN port to your router and start
  • find what IP was given to the B3 by your router
Seriously, if this doesn't work there has to be a hardware failure of some kind...

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 08:53
by BadTicket
OK, found a "010 Editor", should be OK. Change as described but still short green LED and no access. I think the B3 does not connect the USB hard drive because the LED of the HD never flashes. Just when the B3 reboots the LED flashes once.
So, it seems that I should send the B3 back...

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 09:47
by Jockewhbg
I think that there is a manual on how to make a partition table on your USB stick. Otherwise you can always ask Excito for an USB-stick with correct software on it. That should work. Or send the whole bubba to them.


Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 09:59
by BadTicket
On you are able to buy a already prepared Excito USB stick with a partition table and the latest released software.
That's what's in the manual. Sorry, I don't wan't to buy a stick from Excito because a hardware of them is not working correctly. And I think I have to send the B3 back to my dealer to get the money back.

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 12:12
by Jockewhbg
Ask them through the support e-mail. I'm sure they will help you in any way they can. I used an USB-stick which they sent to me when I had a B2.


Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Re: No access to new Excito B3

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 13:01
by BadTicket
I've send them a mail yesterday. Let's wait for the first working day and see what happens. I hope they can help me...