Poll for the owners of Bubba.

Got problems with your B2 or B3? Share and get helped!
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Could you take part supporting Bubba services.

Yes. I could pay (yearly) fee for keeping Bubba services running.
Yes. I could help with maintaining software/updates or other.
No. I paid once and that is enough.
No votes
No. I can take care of my Bubba.
Total votes: 23

Posts: 62
Joined: 14 Jul 2009, 07:56

Poll for the owners of Bubba.

Post by Henri »

Same explanations as in Easyfind poll. Excito has filed for bankruptcy. This means that certain services will no longer be maintained by the manufacturer of Bubba server.

There are talented and devoted members in the Bubba community. I believe they could keep Bubba services up and running and could provide software updates and patches for Bubbas out there.

In order to keep Bubba infrastructure and services up and running, there are expenses. Running servers, renewing licenses and domains, acquiring network bandwidth, leasing IP-addresses, programming and compiling patches and updates etc.
All that makes life easier for average Bubba user, but takes time and money.

A lot of things has already happened and will likely continue to happen behind the scenes. For example Ubi is the person to thank for relocating this forum in his servers. http://forum.mybubba.org/viewtopic.php? ... 667#p26150.

The big question behind this poll is to ask from every Bubba user, if he/she would like to take part financially or other means to keep Bubba services running.

Hopefully this poll could give us some sort of figure to estimate amount of users who could take part in this community effort.

As with the Easyfind poll. I am not affiliated with Excito or Bubba and I made this poll just as a concerned owner of B3.

To forum admins. If there is wrong information or something else wrong with this poll, please do edit or remove this to better serve it's purpose! I don't probably know all the facts behind the scenes and I am assuming lots of things relating to matter :)
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