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Easyfind command line

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Joined: 12 May 2015, 09:22

Easyfind command line

Post by thunder »


I'm developing a web applications plattform on B3 arm, than I need to distribute the hardware with self install application, I provide also to setup local network from web interface and I don't want to give the admin password at customer or commercial agent. I need to know how setup easyfind service with command line, to I can develop in install step this configuration. I found in /etc/network/easyfind.conf, but I have this host also in default-ssl apache2-conf and hosts. How can I config properly easyfind and hosting by command line? :?

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Joined: 10 Aug 2011, 03:18

Re: Easyfind command line

Post by Gordon »

Original Bubba OS?

It's a perl script. If I remember correctly it sits in /usr/lib/web-admin. To set and enable easyfind call it as ` setname [chosen name]`

Unsure how to answer the remainder of your question. Yes the machine name and it's IP addresses will be in several config files. From what I gather the apache config files should not bother you because you appear to want the machine to show a completely different web frontend. There are some hidden aliases and defines though and you'll probably find that the Bubba admin page can be accessed within every other page you create yourself.

Also, the original Bubba OS is quite old. It is based on Debian Squeeze and if you are building a web based application you will likely want to use more recent versions of PHP or whatever other active page processor you are using. My suggestion would be that you start fresh with a vanilla Linux installation. There are multiple turn key options you can choose from in the `Development` forum.
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