Only every second email received...

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Joined: 13 Apr 2007, 17:32
Location: Gnesta, Sweden

Only every second email received...

Post by 6feet5 »

First of all, let me congratulate you on a terrific product. I've looked around and found nothing that suits me until I found Bubba. This is just what I've been looking for. I'm so far a more than happy customer.

Now to my problem. It's probably not a bubba specific problem, but why do I only receive every second mail? If I send four mails from one external account to another external account (POP3 configured to be handled by bubba), I will only receive first and third mail. The other two are considered read and will not be fetched by fetchmail (according to /var/log/ even though I haven't read them.

When I finally realized what the problem was, I solved it by adding "options fetchall" to my external accounts in "/etc/fetchmailrc", but it would be nice to know the reason.

BR / Johan