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Album a bit slow

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Joined: 31 Dec 2006, 07:12
Location: Sweden

Re: Album a bit slow

Post by johannes »

Your assumptions are correct, the B3 CPU is creating thumbs and mid-size images after album creation, and until this process is finished for each image it loads the full-resolution image and does a browser scale-down to have something to show. Hence, the album can be percieved as slow until the thumb- and mid-size generation is finished. After that it should be quick. But perhaps something is buggy?

Would be great if you could clarify more in detail what you did when it felt slow.

We are actually working on a small album upgrade for the next B3 release (2.3) with some fixes, so anything you can help us find here is valuable right now. Thanks!
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Posts: 31
Joined: 27 Jun 2010, 06:20

Re: Album a bit slow

Post by beeversf »

I have
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