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Mediatomb wont update it's content

Posted: 17 May 2008, 11:14
by RealElwood
I have put a new folder named MP3 at home/storage/music/MP3, containing some 10k+ MP3's, there are a coupleof subfolders under this, however MediaTomb hasn't updated so i can se my new MP3's, I've tried rebooting bubba and also shutting down and restarting UPnP in the web interface but nothing works...

I'm using a PS3 to play the MP3's, have updated the config file so there's no problem with playing MP3's just updating the content of home/storage/music/ folder.

Posted: 17 May 2008, 15:10
by Eek
Is the MP3 folder and the mp3's readable for the world?

Code: Select all

find /home/storage/music/MP3 -ls
or look for an error message in the log file

Code: Select all

tail -100 /var/log/mediatomb

Posted: 18 May 2008, 03:14
by RealElwood
Eek wrote:Is the MP3 folder and the mp3's readable for the world?

Code: Select all

find /home/storage/music/MP3 -ls
or look for an error message in the log file

Code: Select all

tail -100 /var/log/mediatomb
When i check the permissions in the web interface the MP3 folder is set to the same as the other folders.

What am I looking for when i do the find command? Should it list all the songs in the MP3 folder, then i can say it doesn't.

There's a bunch of errors in the log file, but they're all for long filenames it seems.

Edit: found the reason. Apparently all the folders were empty, n00b....

Which leads me to another question, i can see both home and storage folders under "my network places" but i can't drag&drop a folder into storage/music/ why?? I'm using Vista, So now i have to use FTP but then all i can see is my home folder not storage, which means i have to UL al to home and then move to storage with the web interface.....

Posted: 18 May 2008, 15:26
by Eek
This is strange. I don't have Vista, but it should work the same as XP,
and you should be able to copy files and directories into \\bubba\storage\music directory.

Also when you do ftp, you should be able to switch to the storage folder using

Code: Select all

cd /home/storage/music

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 02:14
by RealElwood
Eek wrote:Is the MP3 folder and the mp3's readable for the world?

Code: Select all

find /home/storage/music/MP3 -ls
What does that mean, "The World", everyone in my Lan, accessable fron WAN?

Im having problems finding a folder again, it cannot be found using

Code: Select all

 find home/storage/video/reaper 
, how do i change it?

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 03:09
by Eek
It would take up to much space to explain the unix permissions, so checkout ... rmissions/
With "The World" I mean Others (who can access the bubba)

The find command is very versatile, the basic is:

Code: Select all

find <directory to start the search from> -name <name to be found>
so if you look for something in the /home/storage/video directory
that looks like reaper, you could do something like:

Code: Select all

find /home/storage/video -name "*reaper*"
If this command does not return anything, it is not there :D

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 04:12
by RealElwood
Eek wrote:Hi
It would take up to much space to explain the unix permissions, so checkout ... rmissions/
With "The World" I mean Others (who can access the bubba)

The find command is very versatile, the basic is:

Code: Select all

find <directory to start the search from> -name <name to be found>
so if you look for something in the /home/storage/video directory
that looks like reaper, you could do something like:

Code: Select all

find /home/storage/video -name "*reaper*"
If this command does not return anything, it is not there :D
It's there, just not visible to the world i guess, if i look at the permissions in the Web interface all folders have the same permissions, all users can read and write, none of the folders have read/write for "other" and they're found.

The folder is there, it's accessable from the network and web inerface just not visible in mediatomb..... I need to get mediatomb to update the video folder somehow, if i put new files in the video folder they appear almost instantly but not this new folder...

Edit: It's visible if i use

Code: Select all

 find home/storage/video/Reaper
I messed up, it's case sensitive so /reaper didn't work /Reaper worked just fine, now how to see the folder in Meadiatomb?

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 04:36
by Eek
check out the mediatomb logfile /var/log/mediatomb
why it does not update or see the new video's in the Reaper directory

I guess you can access the Reaper directory from the mediatomb admin page? http://bubba:49152/

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 06:42
by RealElwood
Eek wrote:I guess you can access the Reaper directory from the mediatomb admin page? http://bubba:49152/
Not in database, but it's visual in filesystem, but not accessable, if i click on it i go back to the video folder.

I've looked at the log for mediatomb, this is what i came up with

Code: Select all

bubba:/home/mathias# find /home/storage/video/Reaper

bubba:/home/mathias# tail -100 /var/log/mediatomb
2008-06-14 11:06:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/presentationURL using default value:
2008-06-14 11:06:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/presentationURL/attribute::append-to using default value: none
2008-06-14 11:06:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/upnp-string-limit using default value: -1
2008-06-14 11:06:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/scripting/playlist-script/attribute::create-link using default value: yes
2008-06-14 11:06:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/port using default value: 0
2008-06-14 11:06:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/alive using default value: 180
2008-06-14 11:06:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/magic-file using default value:
2008-06-14 11:06:32    INFO: Configuration check succeeded.
2008-06-14 11:06:40    INFO: Initialized port: 49152
2008-06-14 11:06:40    INFO: Server bound to:
2008-06-14 11:06:53    INFO: MediaTomb Web UI can be reached by following this link:
2008-06-14 11:06:53    INFO:
2008-06-14 13:12:24    INFO: MediaTomb shutting down. Please wait...
2008-06-14 13:12:27    INFO: Server terminating
2008-06-14 13:14:02    INFO: Loading configuration from: /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
2008-06-14 13:14:02    INFO: Checking configuration...
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/servedir using default value:
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ui/attribute::poll-when-idle using default value: no
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ui/attribute::poll-interval using default value: 2
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ui/items-per-page/attribute::default using default value: 25
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/filesystem-charset using default value: ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Setting filesystem import charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/metadata-charset using default value: ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Setting metadata import charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/playlist-charset using default value: ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Setting playlist charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/pc-directory/attribute::upnp-hide using default value: no
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/retries-on-timeout using default value: 0
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/interface using default value:
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ip using default value:
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/bookmark using default value: mediatomb.html
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/modelName using default value: MediaTomb
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/modelDescription using default value: Free UPnP AV MediaServer, GNU GPL
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/modelNumber using default value: 0.10.0
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/serialNumber using default value: 1
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/presentationURL using default value:
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/presentationURL/attribute::append-to using default value: none
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/upnp-string-limit using default value: -1
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/scripting/playlist-script/attribute::create-link using default value: yes
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/port using default value: 0
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/alive using default value: 180
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/magic-file using default value:
2008-06-14 13:14:03    INFO: Configuration check succeeded.
2008-06-14 13:14:04    INFO: Initialized port: 49152
2008-06-14 13:14:04    INFO: Server bound to:
2008-06-14 13:14:08    INFO: MediaTomb Web UI can be reached by following this link:
2008-06-14 13:14:08    INFO:
2008-06-14 16:55:07    INFO: MediaTomb shutting down. Please wait...
2008-06-14 16:55:09    INFO: Server terminating
2008-06-14 16:55:31    INFO: Loading configuration from: /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
2008-06-14 16:55:31    INFO: Checking configuration...
2008-06-14 16:55:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/servedir using default value:
2008-06-14 16:55:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ui/attribute::poll-when-idle using default value: no
2008-06-14 16:55:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ui/attribute::poll-interval using default value: 2
2008-06-14 16:55:31    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ui/items-per-page/attribute::default using default value: 25
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/filesystem-charset using default value: ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Setting filesystem import charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/metadata-charset using default value: ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Setting metadata import charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/playlist-charset using default value: ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Setting playlist charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/pc-directory/attribute::upnp-hide using default value: no
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/retries-on-timeout using default value: 0
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/interface using default value:
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/ip using default value:
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/bookmark using default value: mediatomb.html
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/modelName using default value: MediaTomb
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/modelDescription using default value: Free UPnP AV MediaServer, GNU GPL
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/modelNumber using default value: 0.10.0
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/serialNumber using default value: 1
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/presentationURL using default value:
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/presentationURL/attribute::append-to using default value: none
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/upnp-string-limit using default value: -1
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/scripting/playlist-script/attribute::create-link using default value: yes
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/port using default value: 0
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /server/alive using default value: 180
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Config: option not found: /import/magic-file using default value:
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Configuration check succeeded.
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Initialized port: 49152
2008-06-14 16:55:32    INFO: Server bound to:
2008-06-14 16:55:34    INFO: MediaTomb Web UI can be reached by following this link:
2008-06-14 16:55:34    INFO:
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Markoolio - Em låten 2008.mp3 could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: ¥ten 2008.mp3 could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Sverige det bästa på vår jord could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: sta på vår jord could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv:  vår jord could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Sverige det bästa på vår jord - Single could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: sta på vår jord - Single could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
2008-06-14 16:55:36   ERROR: iconv:  vår jord - Single could not be converted to new encoding: invalid character sequence!
2008-06-14 20:42:44   ERROR: Failed to open /home/storage/video/Reaper.S01E02.HDTV.XviD-XOR.avi - No such file or directory
2008-06-15 10:24:33   ERROR: Failed to open /home/storage/video/Reaper.S01E02.HDTV.XviD-XOR.avi - No such file or directory

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 06:58
by 6feet5

The path from your find result

Code: Select all

doesn't match the path in the logfile

Code: Select all

2008-06-15 10:24:33   ERROR: Failed to open /home/storage/video/Reaper.S01E02.HDTV.XviD-XOR.avi
(there is a missing Reaper folder in the log).


Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 07:47
by RealElwood
6feet5 wrote:Hi,

The path from your find result

Code: Select all

doesn't match the path in the logfile

Code: Select all

2008-06-15 10:24:33   ERROR: Failed to open /home/storage/video/Reaper.S01E02.HDTV.XviD-XOR.avi
(there is a missing Reaper folder in the log).

The file exists in two places, video folder and video/Reaper folder. Question remains, how do i make the folder accessable in mediatomb, since I'm using a PS3 for the playback I'm quite dependent of mediatomb

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 07:55
by Eek
could you do a

Code: Select all

find /home/storage/video/Reaper -ls 

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 11:25
by RealElwood
Eek wrote:could you do a

Code: Select all

find /home/storage/video/Reaper -ls 

Code: Select all

bubba:/home/mathias# find /home/storage/video/Reaper -ls
28639233    4 drwxrwx---   2 mathias  users        4096 Jun 15 08:26 /home/storage/video/Reaper
35897345 358780 -rwxrw-r--   1 mathias  users    367023616 Jun 13 09:31 /home/storage/video/Reaper/Reaper.S01E02.HDTV.XviD-XOR.avi
21020723 358724 -rw-r--r--   1 mathias  users    366967200 Jun 13 08:38 /home/storage/video/Reaper/Reaper.S01E01.REPACK.HDTV.XviD-XOR.avi
79806465    8 -rw-rw-r--   1 mathias  users        5632 Jun 15 06:30 /home/storage/video/Reaper/Thumbs.db
30474242 358876 -rwxrwxrwx   1 mathias  users    367122570 Jul 19  2007 /home/storage/video/Reaper/reaper.s01e00.pilot.dvdscr.xvid-thecw.avi

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 11:40
by Eek
This should solve it

Code: Select all

chmod 777 /home/storage/video/Reaper