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BubbaMon 0.6 - The Firefox extension

Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 16:44
by 6feet5
Hi all,

The new BubbaMon v0.6 is available for download.

The only change (apart from one minor bugfix) is that you can now select what download modes are available from the context menu. Selecting both modes will make "Add to Bubba downloads" a sub menu containing the two modes (as in previous version). If you only select one mode, "Add to Bubba downloads" will use this mode (that is, it is no longer a sub menu).

Read more about it at

Enjoy and let me now of any problems.


Re: BubbaMon 0.6 - The Firefox extension

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 03:39
by DanielM
6feet5 wrote:If you only select one mode, "Add to Bubba downloads" will use this mode (that is, it is no longer a sub menu).
Thanks a lot! It's closing perfection :-)


Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 11:56
by GettinSadda
Is there any chance of you fixing the bug where it constantly throws up error boxes with "Invalid user/password combination." messages?

This happened with an earlier version and I can't remember how I stopped it.

Every time you click OK another box appears within a second. The only way to manage to do anything is to somehow get focus away from the box (it appears to be modal, but sometimes you can get focus away!).

I now have the message box stuck in the middle of my browser screen and it won't go away - even disabling the add-on has not stopped it popping up.

And yes, I have re-entered my username and password several times and it still won't accept them (even though I can log into Bubba with the same details).

Now whenever I try and modify the login details I just get:
'This login already exists.' when calling method: [nsILoginManager::addLogin]

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 15:19
by 6feet5

I will look into it, but it would really help if you could show me how to reproduce the error. What did you do to get into this state, is this on Windows or Linux, are you upgrading from a previous 3.0 version with bubbamon installed on it? The more information you can provide me with the better.

To solve your problem you can try:
1. Close firefox
2. Locate the folder containing your installed extensions. On Linux, it is something like "~/.mozilla/firefox/????????.default/extensions". On Windows, I think it is something like "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\????????.default\extensions"
3. In this folder, remove the folder named ''.
4. Start firefox
5. Enter 'about:config' in address bar
6. Filter on 'extensions.bubbamon'.
7. Reset all values
8. Open the preferences dialog in firefox and select Security and click Saved Passwords.
9. Remove all passwords having 'chrome://bubbamon' in it.
10. Restart firefox

Now try installing it again and see if it help. Pay close attention to every step you take and tell me exactly what you did if it fails.


Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 17:13
by ian
Unfortunately, this error has re-occurred with me as well. I have entered and re-entered my username/password umpteen times, which sometimes causes an error to appear (something about user already existing), but then I get the dreaded invalid account popup. It's so annoying that I have had to uninstall bubbamon, which is a great pity.

I am using Firefox 3.0 on a Win XP Vaio laptop, in case that helps at all...

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 17:34
by ian
I followed all of the steps in your posting, apart from 2. and 3., as I couldn't find either of the folders in question.

After reinstalling bubbamon, I immediately received the invalid identity error again...

I had this problem a long time ago, and had solved it somehow. However, on upgrading Firefox to the RC1 version, and then the full 3.0 release, the problem re-appeared.

The weird thing is, the HDD temp does appear in the popup, so something is working, but the download monitoring does not seem to work, presumably because of the identity problem.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 04:41
by GettinSadda
I finally managed to uninstall Bubbamon and so the problem is now gone.

I originally had the problem as soon as I installed the first version I tried, which may have been 0.3 or 0.2. I found some way to sort this (but I can't remember how) and it worked fine until FF 3.0. Then Bubbamon 0.4 or 0.5 (I had upgraded a couple of times with no problem) was disabled as incompatibe. When I added 0.6 the problem came back as soon as FireFox restarted.

I think I may wait for 0.7 or even 1.0 before trying again.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:30
by 6feet5
This is all very weird as I've had no such problems myself and since I can't make them appear it is very hard for me to see what's going wrong and impossible to verify that any changes I do have some kind of effect. I need a way to make this error appear before I can do anything.

Some questions to both of you:
1 - What OS are you running, Linux or Windows (XP or Vista)?
2 - What other extensions have you installed in Firefox?
3 - Did you uninstall bubbamon and restart firefox before installing it, or did you install it "on top" of an existing installation?
4 - Do you get any bubbamon related errors in the error console (Tools->Error Console)?

The HDD temp part is a bit weird. It is ok that the reading is ok, since no log on is required to read that value. The weird part is that this value should only be read if you have a successful log on to bubba. I'm very confused.


Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:42
by ian
Hi Johan,
in reply to your questions:

1. Win XP
2. Colorful Tabs, IE Tab
3. Both
4. No

And the good news: having re-enabled it, to check the Error Console, it now works without any errors, without me having changed anything... very weird!!

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 15:10
by 6feet5
At last, I've finally made the error appear. I started Windows in a VMWare session and installed latest firefox and bubbamon and the error you describe appeared at first try. Unfortunately I managed to close firefox by mistake and now when i restart firefox everything is working and I can't make the error appear. This is all too strange to me, but there appears to be some kind of difference between Windows and Linux (I run Linux and have never had this problem).

Is there anyone out there that run Linux and have had this problem?


Posted: 27 Jun 2008, 17:08
by 6feet5
At last,

After hours of head scratching and code reviewing I think I've found, and dare I say solved, the problem. At least I haven't been able to reproduce the error in this new version, not even on Windows.

I've added a second guard to prevent that annoying password/username dialog from appearing (once I got the error started that dialog nearly drove me mad, extremely annoying). I haven't really figured out why it kept appearing but this second guard seems to do the trick. I've also fixed the nsILoginManager::addLogin GettinSadda mentioned.

You'll find the new 0.6.1 version in the usual place:

Enjoy and let me now of any problems.


Posted: 28 Jun 2008, 19:17
by RonaldJ
It's working great over here!
My Linux knowledge is growing and thanks to Midnight Commander and Putty I can find my way in the Bubba now.
I followed your instructions and guess what? Piece of Cake!
Thanks for the effort1

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 09:33
by GettinSadda
0.6.1 works for me!

Thanks for the fixes.

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 13:40
by ian
Oops, I forgot to confirm that 0.6.1 works for me as well...

Thanks for the speedy response, Ian

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 12:45
by rewien
6feet5 wrote:At last,

After hours of head scratching and code reviewing I think I've found, and dare I say solved, the problem. At least I haven't been able to reproduce the error in this new version, not even on Windows.

I've added a second guard to prevent that annoying password/username dialog from appearing (once I got the error started that dialog nearly drove me mad, extremely annoying). I haven't really figured out why it kept appearing but this second guard seems to do the trick. I've also fixed the nsILoginManager::addLogin GettinSadda mentioned.

You'll find the new 0.6.1 version in the usual place:

Enjoy and let me now of any problems.

Hello Johan,

I've installed bubbamon v 0.6.1 on my bubbatwo, it works on firefox, but it only shows de disk temperature and not how long bubba is running & disk usage.

How can I fix this?
