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Download page on a EEEPC problem

Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 02:58
by Clive
I recently got an ASUS EEEPC and have installed eeeUbuntu on it rather than the default OS. It comes installed with Firefox 3 browser.

However when I log into my Bubba I do not get a vertical scroll bar on the 'Download' page of the Webadmin interface, which means I cannot add new downloads (which is hidden off the bottom of the screen)

I tried installing Firefox 2 but the same problem.

Anyone else having this problem ? I guess it's effected by the small, 9" screen on the EEEPC but I wonder why it doesn't give me the option to scroll.

Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 04:48
by lelle
I tried this on my EEE-PC 900 with the default xandros OS installed, and there's no scrollbar in the download page.

However, by using the up/down arrow keys, I'm able to scroll down to display the "Add" button.

Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 05:47
by carl
lelle wrote:I tried this on my EEE-PC 900 with the default xandros OS installed, and there's no scrollbar in the download page.

However, by using the up/down arrow keys, I'm able to scroll down to display the "Add" button.
Could it be that the EEE-PC 900 issues automagically an "overflow: hidden" thingi? do you get scrollbars on other pages?


Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 06:27
by Clive
lelle wrote: However, by using the up/down arrow keys, I'm able to scroll down to display the "Add" button.
Thanks Lelle, never thought of that so will give it a go.

Carl, scroll bars do exist on the other pages such as 'File manager' but that's part of the frame and not the browser.

In fact I can replicate this on my, Vista PC. Open the 'download' page in a full IE7 window and then 'shrink' the browser so that only the top half of the page is visible. IE7 provides a vertical scroll bar so you can move up and down the complete page. Trying the same thing in Firefox 3 and no vertical scroll bar is shown. (Although Lelle's tips on the cursor keys work)

Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 10:15
by paolol61
Yes I have the 900 too with Ubuntu 8.04 lts and have the same situation.
No scroll bar and the "add" part is at the bottom of the page.
Just use the arrow to go down, it works fine.
Not a big problem, just strange but I cane replicate it on Vista with Firefox ( just open the page and srink the browser) , no scroll bar :roll:
Very strange in IE it works.

Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 11:06
by carl
paolol61 wrote:Yes I have the 900 too with Ubuntu 8.04 lts and have the same situation.
No scroll bar and the "add" part is at the bottom of the page.
Just use the arrow to go down, it works fine.
Not a big problem, just strange but I cane replicate it on Vista with Firefox ( just open the page and srink the browser) , no scroll bar :roll:
Very strange in IE it works.
The source of the problem could the that in fact the filemanager is inside an iframe.


Posted: 29 Sep 2008, 16:41
by Pressurized
I hope I understand you right - see if this helps (900 series, at least). Ubuntu-Eee should work as installed. You can drag windows off the top of the screen (and so see the bottom of the window) by holding <Alt> while left clicking and dragging.

If it doesn't, see the section 'ubuntueeetweak' at ... _perfectly

From which this appears to be the key CLI command:

Code: Select all

gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/compiz/plugins/move/allscreens/options/constrain_y 0