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Web Admin login page changed!

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 11:10
by Maximus

I had a problem logging in to web-admin in bubba when I connected externally. Locally it worked fine. It was working fine untill... I don't know... I was doing alot of external ftp login attempts.

My admin-web login interface was changed to another login with text as bellow:

This system is for authorized use only.

Please Log In

User Name

Acquire Exclusive Configuration Lock Yes No

Log In with Advanced Options


And I could not login to any account!
OK... 15min later everything was fine again and back to normal.
But very strange.

1. Does Bubba shutdown the web-interface for external logins if they are many?

2. What was this strange login I got?

/Maximus :roll:

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 16:59
by pa
Were you accessing the unit from external or internal adresses?
It sounds to me as if your router rebooted and that you got a admin login to your router before it was up and running forwarding the http-port to your bubba.
The text you saw did not come from bubba, there should be no login on http other than our web-admin interface. (unless you have modified it and added something else).
Bubba should not shut down the web-interface, it acts as a normal webpage on apache.


something else

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 14:19
by Maximus
Hey Pa!

Its not the router.. I could login into it.. during this strange time.
The thing is I came to Bubbas homepage but linking to the web-admin, one of three choices...the others being webmail and support I acturally got this. Not only once but like 20 tries. That is why I was comfused. If its not Bubba or my router I must have been linked somewhere else. hmmmm.

Its a mystery for me. But everything works fine.
Thanks for trying to help me....
