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File Transfer Daemon - Copy file after download?

Posted: 09 Nov 2010, 04:13
by kfudd
Hello members + excito,

Was wondering if the file transfer daemon (B2) supports copying files to another location after downloading is complete, or if I could automate this process somehow.

Even simply changing the default download directory would be ok too.


- Kris

Re: File Transfer Daemon - Copy file after download?

Posted: 09 Nov 2010, 16:14
by kfudd
Never mind, I figure it out.

You can configure the filetransferdaemon to write files to another directory.

So I made a symbolic link in my user folder to a directory that is mounted with a samba network accessable drive. Now ftd writes directly to my DNLA compliant NAS that actually supports all of my devices, unlike MediaTomb on the Bubba 2.

I strongly suggest the excito team invest in another DNLA/UPNP server as MediaTomb is just not keeping up with the technology. I had to hack it to work with my Samsung TV and it did not work with any other new devices with DNLA support.

- Kris