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Special characters in filenames with squeezeserver

Posted: 29 Mar 2011, 04:24
by giorgio
I have created a playlist (.m3u) and squeezeserver on the bubba will not scan it due to special characters in the filenames.
The error message in the scanner log is:
[11-03-29 19:13:37.7599] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /home/storage/music/GeorgeItunesPlayList.m3u
[11-03-29 19:13:44.7047] Slim::Formats::Playlists::parseList (85) Error: While running $playlistClass->read(): [Cannot decode string with wide characters at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/ line 166, <GEN3> line 171.

The line in question (171) in the playlist file is:
#EXTINF:195,Y Tú Qué Has Hecho? - Buena Vista Social Club
/home/storage/music/Buena Vista Social Club/Buena Vista Social Club/06 Y Tú Qué Has Hecho_.mp3

Any suggestions how to rename the files (there will be loads) or enable squeezeserver to parse the special characters are welcome!
