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Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 03:14
by matse

Is there a way to speed up the Bubba Album interace? It's quite slow!


Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 03:36
by RandomUsername
Could be a number of things. Is this from the LAN or the WAN?

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 03:54
by Ubi
I just set up a smallish album and keep on waiting for the first photo to show up with max CPU for quite some time. I suppose album software is transcoding all photos before first use or something. Once that's done it was rather fast. My point is that I suspect processor load may be the culprit for matse too

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 04:10
by RandomUsername
Ubi's right. If you follow the syslog you can see that a thumbnail is generated for every photo.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 08:54
by matse
This is ok, but it seems the thumbnails are generated on demand, which is a bit non-optimal. It seems I need to page through all photo pages (each showing 10 or so thumbnails) before everything has been generated. This is a bit painful, especially when you want to show the photos to a friend. Would make more sense to trigger the generation of smaller scale images as a background process right after I have added a folder to the album.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 08:55
by matse
Btw, I'm on LAN.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 10:52
by Ubi
it generates the whole set with subdirs and all for me in one go.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 12:03
by matse
Ok, that's good. I again tried to access the album. By chance I had the Windows Task Manager open, so I could see CPU usage go up to 100% for almost a minute. Opera indicated it was downloading 500 elements (matches the number of photos in this specific album), and this process needed about 2 minutes to complete. Visually it appeared as if the 10 or so thumbnails on page 1 were slowly loaded in a random order during this period, while an ajax progress bar was spinning in the current photo frame until the end of the period when finally the photo was displayed. Then, clicking to page 2, another period of waiting started, again for many many seconds, however Opera didn't indicate that another set of photos were being downloaded this time.

I also tested with Firefox, and it seemed even slower!

This doesn't seem right.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 13:01
by Ubi
if the CPU load on your windows task manager is maxed out, the problem is not in your Bubba but in your client! I was referring to CPU load on the server in my previous post.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 16:39
by matse
Yes, it seems the album client side logic has a problem.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 18:52
by RandomUsername
It's fine for me.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 16:39
by matse
When it's fine, how many photos do you have in the viewed album?

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 18:35
by RandomUsername
One I picked at random has over 100 photos. Others have more.

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 03:04
by beeversf
I have given up on the provided Album. It is far too slow. It seems to hog the processor over a number of pictures. I have around 1000 pictures which I have to share with my family overseas. Thought this would be a good package but they have given up and so have I. I ended up writing my own and it is blindingly fast primarily because I thumbnail the images when uploading both LAN and WAN, so it is definitely the software not the box.

Shame really as the box is good - but I have replaced horde with roundcube ( for email); my own album for the provided album and music is moved to my - again due to access speeds. Works well as file storage device as standard. I have the device pointed to from my external domain name so I can access abroad and this proved itself when I visited St Helena last year.

Excito need to improve the apps and test for volume rather than small numbers which they seem to be doing. :shock:

Re: Album a bit slow

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 03:29
by RandomUsername
If you have over 1000 photos why not just split them up into separate albums/folders? I have all mine organised in subfolders by event/date.