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Web interface freezes

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 15:10
by gonvaled
In some situations (after changing the upload/download rate, for example) the web interface freezes. When clicking in any of the links (say "Home") the progress bar in Firefox moves nearly until the end, but then it freezes.

Bubba is still running. I can log in through ssh. I have found that restarting apache2 solves the problem. I have tried other things (like restarting networking), but nothing seems to help except restarting apache.

I have also noticed that while in the "freeze situation", apache does not write to the access.log

I have version "Ver: 0.50.1-1"

Posted: 05 Oct 2007, 16:08
by GaryL
Sounds like ftd has crashed.

ssh in, su root and do the following
bubbalibre wrote:Hi TheEagleCD,

You don't have to reboot ! First check if ftd is still running :

Code: Select all

ps aux | grep ftd
If it's indeed running, kill it :

Code: Select all

killall ftd
At this point the interface should work again. Restart ftd :

Code: Select all

/etc/init.d/ftd start
Enjoy !

Posted: 07 Oct 2007, 01:50
by Hammer
Same problem here, occurred on deleting third or fourth download in download manager.

Next problem is that killall is not a recognized command in my bubba.

I don't want to reboot, Bubba is on UPS.


Posted: 07 Oct 2007, 03:52
by bubbalibre
Hi Hammer,

Sorry, I keep forgeting that killall isn't installed by default.

It's part of the psmisc package. In order to install it, type as root:

Code: Select all

apt-get install psmisc